False Creek Energy Centre_stacks

The False Creek Energy Centre is an innovative heating plant that produces domestic hot water and space heating for the new Southeast False Creek community. The water is heated by sewage heat recovery, with peak loads met by low-emission natural gas boilers.

It seemed significant that the FCEC would be heating people by transferring existing body heat. We honoured this fact by investing the stacks with a human quality. At the top of each finger-like stack (5-6 stories high) is a fingernail-like LED light fixture, which is activated by the operations of the facility – blue/cool to red/hot. Stacks of glass bead blasted stainless steel.

Location: Vancouver, BC
Client: City of Vancouver
Completed: 2009
Studio Team: Stephanie Robb (project artist)
Matt Hessey
Gabe Daly
Michael Fugeta
Bill Pechet
Project Team: Sandwell Engineering Inc.
Walter Francl Architecture Inc. (building)
Pechet and Robb art and architecture ltd.
Eckford + Associates landscape architecture
Builder: West Pro Constructors Group
Photos: Grunert Imaging / Chris Baber
Links: vancouver.ca/sustainability/building_neu.htm 
Distinction: 2010 Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia Medal in Architecture